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Writer's pictureMark McIntyre

The Sneering Attitude Towards Independent Authors: A Modern-Day Parallel to Historical Elitism

The Sneering Attitude Towards Independent Authors: A Modern-Day Parallel to Historical Elitism

Independent authors often face a sneering attitude from traditional publishers and authors who take the conventional route. This disdain is reminiscent of historical moments when new technology threatened established power structures, such as the introduction of the printing press and the subsequent backlash from the church and the gentry. Just as the printing press democratized access to information, self-publishing has opened the doors for more voices to be heard, challenging the traditional gatekeepers of literature.

Historical Parallels: The Printing Press Revolution

When Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century, it revolutionized the dissemination of information. For the first time, books could be mass-produced, making them accessible to a broader audience. However, this technological advancement was met with resistance. The church, in a display of gaslighting mastery well, used the press to print Bibles, then persecuted people for having the audacity to go ahead and buy a copy, fearing that widespread access to religious texts would undermine the church's authority.

Similarly, the gentry expressed concerns that the lower classes, armed with too much information, would become unruly. They believed that access to knowledge should be controlled to maintain societal order. This elitist attitude sought to preserve the status quo by restricting the flow of information to the everyday person.

The Modern-Day Snobbery in Publishing Torward Independent Authors.

Fast forward to today, and we see a similar dynamic in the publishing world. Traditional publishers and authors often view self-publishing with scepticism and disdain. They argue that the ease of self-publishing lowers the bar for entry, allowing anyone to publish a book without the rigorous vetting process that traditional publishing entails. This perspective suggests that too many people now have the power to disseminate their work, potentially flooding the market with subpar content.

This attitude mirrors the historical fear that too much information in the hands of the masses could lead to chaos, or rather, the ability to spread information via books. Traditionalists worry that the proliferation of independently published books could dilute the perceived quality of literature, much like the gentry's fear that widespread literacy would disrupt societal norms.

The Reality of Self-Publishing for Independent Authors.

While self-publishing has made it easier for anyone to publish a book, this democratisation is ultimately a positive development. It allows for a diversity of voices and stories that might not fit the narrow criteria of traditional publishers. Independent authors bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that enrich the literary landscape.

Moreover, self-publishing is not without its own set of challenges. Independent authors must wear many hats, taking on roles such as writer, editor, marketer, and distributor. The success of a self-published book still depends heavily on the quality of the content and the author’s ability to connect with readers.

Historical Examples of Creativity Being Frowned Upon

  1. Tattooing Among Indigenous Peoples:

  • Indigenous tattooing practices were often frowned upon and suppressed by European colonizers. Tattoos, which held deep cultural significance, were seen as barbaric and were nearly eradicated in some cultures due to colonization efforts. However, these practices have persisted and are being revitalized today.

  1. Iconoclasm During the Reformation:

  • During the Protestant Reformation, many religious artworks were destroyed to remove what was seen as idolatry. This destruction was a direct assault on creative expression within religious contexts. Notable works like the Ghent Altarpiece were hidden to protect them from destruction.

  1. LGBTQ+ Literature:

  • Historically, literature and other creative works by LGBTQ+ individuals were often censored or suppressed. This suppression was rooted in societal norms that sought to control and limit expressions of non-heteronormative identities.

Embracing Diversity at Write Publish

At Write Publish, we embrace the diversity of writing methods and celebrate all forms of creative expression. Whether you use AI tools like ChatGPT or prefer traditional methods, your approach is respected here. We offer writing workshops and one-to-one support from the initial idea to publishing and promotion. Our mission is to support your unique journey and ensure your voice is heard.


Write Publish is new, innovative, and committed to helping you succeed. We utilise the latest technology to maximise your book’s reach while respecting traditional methods. Our mission is to support your unique writing journey, celebrating the creativity and effort you pour into your work.

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