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Write Publish Books personal writing coaching and support

Personal coaching to write and publish your book

There is a saying that everyone has a story to tell, a book within them, and it's bursting to get out!.
If you have experiences, skills, or passions you would like to share in print and make them available worldwide, then I can help you achieve that! read on or
book in here...

focused on helping you write your book

Pride in your publish book northern ireland
  • Discovery - an act of awe!
    What are you looking to write? What's your experience of that? How much research have you completed? And have you written before? Establishing the start point is critical and helps us to figure out how much coaching you might need; after all, you might only need a couple of coaching sessions for your entire book project, while others might require several. 

  • Keeping you motivated.
    One word written is one word closer to completing your book, but let's aim a bit higher. How about a chapter, a section, or even designing your book cover? By setting key objectives, you can progress your writing project more efficiently.

  • Beyond the manuscript.
    Once your book is written, proofed, and formatted, your cover will be ready to go. You can either chase the publishing houses, or go the self-publishing route, I can help you with the latter, setting up your KDP account and helping you submit and list there. But then there's more. We can also help promote your book and reach all those readers who cry out for your amazing book!

Coaching you through the stages of book writing!

  • Idea generation.

  • Content Creation.

  • Formatting.

  • Image Design/Illustration.

  • Cover Design.

  • Proofreading.

  • KDP Account Setup. 

  • Promoting your book.

Start today!

Today is the best day to get started. It's a chat about your book and your vision. Tell it over a coffee in a local cafe or via Zoom, whichever you prefer.

The fee for 1:1 coaching is £40 p/hour. Book in here.

We're here to support your writing journey.

Starting your writing project is often the most challenging aspect of creating your book manuscript. Our coaching is all about you maintaining your authentic voice but with much less procrastination. ;-)

Service is offered online over Zoom and optionally in person if you're near Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Personal Creative Writing Support

Method of delivery


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